neutrality. speed. musicality.
When listening matters
ZenSatin maailmanluokan HighEnd-kaapelit avaavat musiikillisen seikkailun ja uuden ulottuvuuden musiikin kuunteluusi.
Muinaisaasialaisen kielen mukaan Zen merkitsee vahvaa tietämystä ja Sati totuudenmukaisuutta.
Signaalikaapelit ovatkin jokaisen järjestelmän selkäranka; passiivinen komponentti, joka reagoi nopeasti signaalinsiirtoon muuttamatta signaalin akustisia ominaisuuksia.
Mark Johansenin suunnittelemat ja Tanskassa käsityönä valmistettavat yksilölliset ZenSati-kaapelit ovat kuunneltavissa vain meillä.
Kuuntele. Kuulet eron.
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Meiltä saat tilauksesta myös muut ZenSatin -kaapelimallit: Angel, Cherub ja Seraphim.
Neutrality means that cables place no signature of their own on the audio and respect the fidelity of the musical content of the recordings…
All ZenSati cables are designed to deliver the greatest alacrity in response time, to ensure impeccable musical tempo, preserving the harmonic integrity of the recording….
Imagine appropriate presence and musical depth, capable of revealing micro-detail all the way down to the subtlest attack of fingers on strings. This is what we simply call Musicality in our concept. ZenSati delivers perfect tonal balance across the entire frequency spectrum with maximum respect and fidelity to each recording…
“For many of us the ability to listen, understand and enjoy the world of music, is an important part of life. To some of us music is a vital part of life.
To me, music is power and inspiration and, depending on the type and quality of music, my full emotional spectrum is evoked.
When you sense the sound and resonance of the room, details such as the breath of the performers, the acoustics of the hall and many other essential musical subtleties, you indeed have a gift to cherish.
The true gift of music.
The sonic prowess of audio cables makes a major contribution to the overall experience of the sense of wholeness in music listening.”
– Mark Johansen